Cat food, dog food


Did You Know?
Did You Know?

Did you know that 53% of Canadians have a pet?
That would explain why there are an estimated more than 5 million dogs and 7 million cats in Canada!

Did you know that Canada is the world's second largest producer of cranberries?
(The U.S. is number 1). That's proof that a growing number of Canadians - and their pets! - are consuming cranberries!

Did you know that 21% of dog owners say that their dog understands them better than their spouse or any other person close to them does?
Dogs sure are understanding!

Did you know that a cat's diet needs to be rich in fats and proteins from animal sources, because cats can't produce certain essential amino acids and fatty acids?
Never feed your cat dog food, because cats need more protein than dogs do.

Did you know that 18% of dog owners say that exercising regularly with their dog is the best way to show their affection?
Exercise is good for the body. and the soul!

Did you know that the vast majority of women with pets (82%) hug or pet them at least 4 times a day?
Lucky them!

Did you know that cats can't see right under their noses?
This is why cats can't seem to find those little tidbits on the floor!

Did you know that the heat produced by your body and the ticking of your watch can make your new kitten or puppy feel safe and secure?
Now go get that watch and wind it up!

Did you know that a South Korean company has just launched a mobile phone service that translates a dog's barking into human words, and vice versa?!
You simply can't stop progress!

Did you know that all Pronature products are certified by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA)?
This means that all Pronature products meet the Association's rigorous nutritional standards --it's your guarantee that your pet gets the optimal diet at every stage of its life.