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Tips for Dog
A Safe Home

Is your home pet-safe? Read this list of advices and make sure there are no hazards that could get in the way of your pet’s safety and health:

  • Be aware of the plants you have in your house and your yard. The ingestion of a poisonous plant can be fatal (ex: aloe vera, azalea, dieffenbachia, croton, geranium, dracaena, kalanchoe, hemp, spider plant, poinsettia, onion, tomato plant, rhododendron, cyclamen, philodendron, …). For a more complete list of dangerous doggy plants, consult your vet.

  • Make sure all poisonous household items are securely stored out of the puppy's reach. Cleaning solutions such as disinfectants, drain cleaners, laundry detergents and bleach have a variety of properties. Some may only cause a mild stomach upset, while others could cause severe burns to the tongue, mouth, and stomach.

  • Never give your dog any medications unless directed by a veterinarian. Many medications that are safely used in humans can cause an overdose and/or be deadly when used inappropriately. Medicines should be stored out of the reach of pets.

  • Never leave chocolate unattended. Approximately one half (½) ounce (14 g) or less of baking chocolate per pound (0.45 kg) of body weight can cause poisoning.

  • Sharp objects such as knives and forks, paper clips, carpet tacks, pins should be kept out of dog's reach. Children's toys and small objects may attract a playful pet and become lodged in its mouth or swallowed.

  • When treating your lawn or garden with fertilizers, herbicides, or insecticides, always keep your animals away from the area until it dries completely. Always store such products securely and out of reach.

  • All automotive products, such as oil, gasoline, and antifreeze, should be stored properly. Many pets are attracted to the sweet taste of antifreeze containing the chemical propylene glycol which is highly toxic to dogs. As little as one teaspoon of antifreeze can be deadly to a 3 kilogram dog.

  • Do your best to keep electric wiring out of the pet's sight and reach. Exposed lamp cords and other wires should be kept as short as possible. If extension cords are used, mount them against a baseboard so they cannot be played with or chewed.